The Journey of Malhar Thakar through Selected Films with the Psychological Point of View

The Journey of Malhar Thakar through Selected Films with the Psychological Point of View


  • Ambar Pandya


explanation of Malhar Thakar’s film, Analysis of human, Human’s condition after watching films


The paper includes the information related to the importance of Urban Gujarati Films, the trend of Urban Gujarati Films and the message of Urban Gujarati film through Malhar Thakar’s films. Actually, the paper includes some examples of Malhar Thakar’s films like Subh Yatra, Thai Jase, Chhelo Divas, Dhuadhar and so on. The psychology behind the film making is also explained through these selected films and also the explanation of these films in terms of analyzing the scenario of the society. The paper also includes some point of views which are related to the present time or modern era because the films are only way out of making aware about the tradition of any culture to others and also young generation of particular culture, so the film is an audio-visual mode of learning something in concrete manner. Film is also an open book because film covers everything which is covered in any literary text so in symbolic manner, the paper covers many different understandings about the Film Studies and different hypothesis about why people like to watch film? How can they understand the message through watching film.


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A- Chhelo Divas (2015)

B- Thai Jase (2016)

C- Subh Yatra (2023)

D- Love Ni Bhavai (2017)

E – Dhuandhar (2021)

F- Nadi Dosh (2022)

G- Cash on Delivery (2017)

H- Passport (2016)

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How to Cite

Ambar Pandya. (2023). The Journey of Malhar Thakar through Selected Films with the Psychological Point of View. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from