Life Skills Development through High School Education

Life Skills Development through High School Education


  • Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja


Universal primary and high school education, life skills, gender equality and quality of education are the part of needs and right for equality education for all for sustainable society. Here is a humble attempt to study the life skills of the students of High school. The main objective of this study was to study the life skills of the students of High schools with respect to some variables. The present study was conducted on the 400 students of standard 9th and 10th of Gujarati medium high school of Anjar Taluka of Kachchh District. Quantitative approach was adopted in the present study and survey method was used for that. A standardized Guajarati version of “Life Skills Attitude Measurement Test” by LIKERT method was used for the data collection of the present study. By using statistical methods calculations were made and hypotheses were checked. The result shows that the life skills of the students of schools of urban area are more than that of the rural area. It is cleared from the result that the education system should include the lessons of life skills according to the cultural and area.


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How to Cite

Dr. Rajendrasinh Jadeja. (2020). Life Skills Development through High School Education. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from