Cyber Crime And Its Control By Enacting Law’s In India: A Legal Analysis

Cyber Crime And Its Control By Enacting Law’s In India: A Legal Analysis


  • Dr. Dhanani Sanjaykumar G.


Cyber Crime, Cyber Security Incident, Illegal down loading, Cyber Hacking, Cyber Security Breaches, Cyber Crime Acts


Information technology an important and indispensable to the life of human beings. Transmission, recording or memory and processing of information are three essential processes of information. Computers are a major segment of the new information technologies. With the help of satellite communication, the transmission of data has become very fast. The data can be telexed, the voice over a telephone can be transmitted on local, national and international network. The computer is a boon or a bane depends on its use. If used for the benefits of the mankind it is a boon, if used for the evil purpose it is a bane. This study aims to the technological transformation of crime the streets to the networked super highways of cyberspace. Cyber crime to day has the potential to affect the lives of each and every one of us. The laws relating to cyber crime are quite complex. Under the frame work, simple things we unwittingly do online may be punishable and severe offenses may go unnoticed. Hence the need to know more about the how cyber crime is policed in the Indian context and what laws govern Indian cybercrime.


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How to Cite

Dr. Dhanani Sanjaykumar G. (2020). Cyber Crime And Its Control By Enacting Law’s In India: A Legal Analysis. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from