The Portrayal of Family Values in Girish Karnad’s Selected Plays

The Portrayal of Family Values in Girish Karnad’s Selected Plays


  • Udaysinh Dodiya


Girish Karnad is ranked among the greatest playwright in Indian English literature. His plays are rich and vibrant in traditional Indian sensibility, characterization and themes yet they have modern perspective and universal effect. He has also made a distinctive position for himself with respect to style and method. This paper aims to study different aspects of family relationship with reference to his selected plays, „Hayavadana’, ‘Nag-Mandala’, ‘Bali’ and ‘Wedding Album’. He has presented family as the center in these plays. In these plays, he observes how system in families is changing in the process of modernization. In this paper, the researcher has mainly focused about the major trends of change and their impact on the family values and relationships.


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How to Cite

Udaysinh Dodiya. (2020). The Portrayal of Family Values in Girish Karnad’s Selected Plays. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(1). Retrieved from