Representation of Women writers in Indian writing English novels with Special Reference to the works of Anita Desai

Representation of Women writers in Indian writing English novels with Special Reference to the works of Anita Desai


  • Vimal Patel


Indian women novelists have played very important and historic roles in enriching the manner and magnitude of the Indian Writing in English. They have enhanced the point of view of the other sex: the women to the fictional world. Some of the novelists have also ventured into the representative aspects of the women of the society and their outlook. It is needless to say that there were many women of the contemporary society of the time who actively contributed during the freedom struggle of India and also participated on the forefront in reforming the society of the previous century of the British rule. These and many more aspects of women contribution and participation can be seen reflected in writings of the women novelists.


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Amold, Matthew, On the Modem Element in Literature, Inaugural Lecture delivered in University of Oxford, 14 November 1857, Print.

Costa, Magda, Interview with Anita Desai, Barcelona, 30, January, 2001, Print.

Dalmia, Yashodhara, Interview with Anita Desai. The Times of India, 29, April, 1979. Print.

Das, B.K., ed. Comparative Literature, New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributers, 2000. Print.

Naik, M. K. Dimensions of Indian English Literature New Delhi: Sterling Publishers, 1985. Print.

Noted Novelist Joins Writing Faculty, September, 29, 1993, June. Issue of MIT Tech Talk, Volume 38. number-8 (Http:// html.)

Prawer, S.S. Comparative Literary Studies: An Introduction. London: Duckworth, 1973. Print.

Shakespeare, William The Plays of William Shakespeare. London: C. Bathurst, 1773. Print.

Shrivastava, RK. Anita Desai at work: An Interview Perspectives on Anita Desai, Ghaziabad: Vimal Prakashan, 1984. Print.

Srivastava, RK, ed., Introduction, Perspectives on Anita Desai, Ghaziabad: Vimal Prakashan, 1984. Print.

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How to Cite

Vimal Patel. (2018). Representation of Women writers in Indian writing English novels with Special Reference to the works of Anita Desai. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(3). Retrieved from