The Application of Multimedia Technology in Teaching English

The Application of Multimedia Technology in Teaching English


  • Mr. Chirag K. Sutariya


Multimedia technology, English teaching, application


With the continuous development of science and technology and the enormous improvement of educational implications, multimedia technology has begun to enter the classroom, especially in English Language Teaching; multimedia teaching has gradually played a vital role. However, while multimedia technology improves classroom efficiency and brings convenience to teachers, there are some drawbacks which need to be addressed. This paper throws light on how we can apply multimedia tools and gadgets in an effective way for the educational purpose. The traditional approach of the learning system that had been used for the last generations had proved to be helpful. However, multimedia tools do help to enhance our educational system and make it more learners friendly with interest and fun. The problem with the traditional approach of Teaching & Learning is that it lacks creativity and monotonous. Traditional learning also lacks in resources which made learning harder. But with the help of multimedia tools, learning can be a fun and exciting experience. It will also help students to grasp fully what they learn. With the effective use of multimedia tools, there are infinite scopes to make the teaching and learning better than ever before. The paper discusses the application of multimedia in English language teaching and its advantages.


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How to Cite

Mr. Chirag K. Sutariya. (2017). The Application of Multimedia Technology in Teaching English. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 3(3). Retrieved from