Effect of oral hygiene training to Anganwadi workers on improving oral hygiene of preschool children attending Anganwadi centers in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat

Effect of oral hygiene training to Anganwadi workers on improving oral hygiene of preschool children attending Anganwadi centers in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat


  • Dr. Abhi V Thaker
  • Dr. Vishal R Ghanghar


Early childhood caries, Debris index, Oral hygiene index


Early childhood caries (ECC) is characterized as a public health problem globally which can lead to pain and infection necessitating hospitalized for the extraction of teeth and untreated ECC have an impact on general health and quality of life of infant or toddlers.


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How to Cite

Dr. Abhi V Thaker, & Dr. Vishal R Ghanghar. (2021). Effect of oral hygiene training to Anganwadi workers on improving oral hygiene of preschool children attending Anganwadi centers in Gandhinagar district of Gujarat. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(1). Retrieved from http://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/95