Covid – 19: An Indication towards Digital Humanities

Covid – 19: An Indication towards Digital Humanities


  • Jagruti B Bheda



Humanities, Digital Humanities, (side) Effects of Covid-19, persuasion of Knowledge, Digital Scholar activities, Digital tools


The word ‘Humanities’ in its condensed form is generally associated with teaching of English. But it has a major role to play in area of arts and literature, philosophy, language, history etc. It also involves analytical practices, interpretation and critique: annotation and editing, historical research, interplay of self and society. Associating one more term ‘digital’ with Humanities gives a new perspective to look at humanities. One can say that it is persuasion of knowledge with digital methods/digital tools. The activities of DH scholars include enhance of digital section where human experience remain the central concern. Digital tools illuminate efforts for humanities. There has been gradual transformation of traditional humanities to Digital Humanities since the invasion of computer and computational methods.

Present upheavals in world due to Covid -19 have forced all of us to change our each and every conventional definition of socio-cultural life and life standards. Almost complete dependency on technology for knowledge sharing by using different digital tools has made us think about possibilities never thought before. For ex. Work from home culture, a digital off shoot of traditional working method, was never taken a serious note before Covid -19. In time to come, it would also affect literature and history or any dominated discipline of Humanities, as the prime job of humanities is to pen-down all these historical changes. The raw material of Humanities itself has changed and hence the final product has to be and shall be entirely different.

Present paper aims at an indication and possibilities in rise of Digital Humanities during this pandemic time of Covid -19. Humanities has a familiar world of knowledge that depends on library or classrooms that is basically associated with print and books. But terms like social distancing, quarantine, WFH culture has positively boosted a new perspective to look at geo-political, cultural, economic experiences. It has provided raw material to both- Humanities and Digital Humanities. Traditional Humanities would pen down the experience in print form. Digital humanities would help create coexistence of traditional knowledge along with effective use of digital technologies.


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 Books:

Drucker, Johanna. ‚Intro to Digital Humanities: An Introduction‛ UCLA Centre for Digital Humanities. September 2013

Terras, Mellissa. ‚Quantifying Digital Humanities‛ (PDF) UCLA Centre for Digital Humanities. December 2011.

 Video Lectures:

Thorat, Ashok. ‚Need to Incorporate Pragmatics and Digital Humanities in Curriculam of State Universities‛. You tube. Uploaded by Langlit’s Educators. 30 April, 2020.

Chattopadhyay, Krunal. ‚Digital Humanities and New Literature: Archiving and Digitisation (Eng)‛ You Tube. Uploaded by Vidya-Mitra, 05 September, 2017

Schnapp, Jeffery. ‚Digital Humanities‛. You tube. Uploaded by Serious Science. Feb 18, 2014.

 Online Article:

‚Tracing Back Mother’s Love- Reconstruction-Era Reunification and DH possibilities‛ 30 April, 2020

‚Ruskin Bond, renowned novelist, to narrate his stories on AIR from today‛. 01 May, 2020

‚New Arts & Humanities projects at the forefront of COVID-19 response‛ 06 April, 2020

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How to Cite

Jagruti B Bheda. (2020). Covid – 19: An Indication towards Digital Humanities. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5).