A Study of Environmental Issues in Janice Pariat’s Novel Everything the Light Touches

A Study of Environmental Issues in Janice Pariat’s Novel Everything the Light Touches


  • Mr. Arfat I. Saiyad


Contemporary literature, Novel, Environment related issues, Forest fires, Air pollution, Save flora, Uranium mining


During contemporary era in Indian English Literature the focus of the research study is manly related to the recent social issues. For Indian society environment related issues are very important. Janice Pariat’s novel Everything the Light Touches, released in 2022, is a modern piece of Indian English Literature that explores different environmental concerns prevalent in Indian society. The research scholar has chosen this novel as the subject of his study, and has analysed how the author portrays the story of the present and the past through the lens of environmental concerns. The novel depicts the consequences of forest fires, air pollution, loss of biodiversity, save flora and uranium mining on different regions of India. The research scholar has analysed the novel's depiction of these issues and how they relate to the specific geographical and historical contexts of India.


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How to Cite

Mr. Arfat I. Saiyad. (2023). A Study of Environmental Issues in Janice Pariat’s Novel Everything the Light Touches. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from http://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/899