Negotiating the Subjugation of Femininity in Memories of Rain by Sunetra Gupta

Negotiating the Subjugation of Femininity in Memories of Rain by Sunetra Gupta


  • Madhu Galchar
  • Dr. Audrey Barlow


Feminism, Marginalisation, Betrayal, Memory, Rebirth


This paper attempts to understand how the main character takes her ultimate decision and emancipates herself in the patriarchal driven area in the novel Memories of Rain, and also illustrates the struggles faced by the character and her internal emotions. The tale that takes place in a single weekend is portrayed by Sunetra Gupta's Memories of Rain (1992), which comparatively narrates the throwback of a marriage between an Indian girl and an English fjord. The novel is greatly congratulated by its lengthy style of prose.


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Menicucci, Amaya Fernandez. “The Deadly House: Domestic Space and Sociocultural Roles in Sunetra Gupta’s A Sin of Colour.” Revista Nuevas Tendencies en Anthropology. No. 1. 2010: 21-58.

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How to Cite

Madhu Galchar, & Dr. Audrey Barlow. (2019). Negotiating the Subjugation of Femininity in Memories of Rain by Sunetra Gupta. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(3). Retrieved from