Impact of Technological Advancement on Customers: A Study on Electronic Proof of Delivery

Impact of Technological Advancement on Customers: A Study on Electronic Proof of Delivery


  • Shivani Peer
  • Dr. Jyoti Mishra
  • Prof. Naveen Luthra



EPOD, Logistics services, Productivity


In India, logistics industries consider being sunshine industry and are facing a frequent transformation process. Among others, EPOD is one of the digital tool to collect wide array of data, accelerate beyond the conventional signature enhance customer loyalty and at diminished costs. The present study focuses on adapting and verifying the program that was originally created for existing customers and how the determinants influence EPOD. To assess the EPOD, the researcher utilises descriptive research design to know exactly what is happening in the organisation. The researcher studies the variables like affective, behavioural, confidence and attitude towards EPOD among consumers. Correlation outcome provides an outcome that all the variables have a close association with attitude towards EPOD. Besides, attitude of EPOD among consumers influence the productivity too. 0.3% influence of behavioural attributes of EPOD on productivity. Besides, confidence attributes of EPOD influence the productivity to be around 1.4%. In addition, 0.9% impact to be identified with the attitude of EPOD technology on productivity. Finally, the study found that the consumer attitude towards EPOD technology has an impact on productivity.


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How to Cite

Shivani Peer, Dr. Jyoti Mishra, & Prof. Naveen Luthra. (2023). Impact of Technological Advancement on Customers: A Study on Electronic Proof of Delivery. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si5), 174–187.