Impact of Chaos theory: Implications for Consumer behavior pattern in Gujarat during Pandemic

Impact of Chaos theory: Implications for Consumer behavior pattern in Gujarat during Pandemic


  • Chintan Anilbhai Joshi
  • Dr. Sunil Patel
  • Dr. Kishor Bhanushali



chaos theory, consumer buying behavior pattern


Chaos Theory with its roots in the natural sciences, provides a holistic approach for understanding the dynamic and fluid nature of organizations and the market scenario. This paper provides a review of literature that outlines the origins and basic principles of Chaos Theory. It relates pandemic situation with chaos theory and try to develop a study on effective implication of the same. Prime focus would be perception among the consumers and their buying pattern in terms of Chaos which raised due to pandemic situation since 2020.Survey would be conducted using a well- designed questionnaire and primary data would be collected based on the perception of consumers.


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How to Cite

Chintan Anilbhai Joshi, Dr. Sunil Patel, & Dr. Kishor Bhanushali. (2023). Impact of Chaos theory: Implications for Consumer behavior pattern in Gujarat during Pandemic. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si5), 86–97.