
  • Dr. Dhara R. Thakar


Gender discrimination is when there are unfair rights between male and female. It differs because of their gender roles which ultimately leads to unequal treatment in life. Gender discrimination has been around for many centuries. However, as we are evolving, it is time to do away with such notions of gender roles. Gender discrimination is the difference in treatment of a person based on sex that puts the individual at a disadvantage or limits his or her access to opportunities that are available to other members of society. Gender discrimination is a characteristic of most societies, with males on average better positioned in social, economic, and political hierarchies. For more than two decades, gender discrimination continues and still exists in society. With this essay on Gender Discrimination, students will understand how it is impacting our society and limiting women’s potential India is a democratic country that provides its citizens with a variety of rights. Citizens of India can exercise their rights to free expression, information, equality, and religion, among other things. There are penalties for breaking these laws. These rights are intended to protect citizens' human dignity so that they can live fulfilling lives. Furthermore, these rights are necessary for the abolition of social injustices and hierarchy. Despite these efforts, one social injustice known as "gender discrimination" persists in India


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How to Cite

Dr. Dhara R. Thakar. (2022). GENDER DISCRIMINATION. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(3). Retrieved from