Indian Ethos in the Selected Works of R. K. Narayana and Munshi Premchand: A Comparative Study

Indian Ethos in the Selected Works of R. K. Narayana and Munshi Premchand: A Comparative Study


  • Nilesh Nandaniya


Indian, Ethos, Comparison, Values, Culture


The purpose of this paper is to compare the Indian ethos as shown in the works of R.K. Narayana and Munshi Premchand. They write in two distinct languages, namely English and Gujarati. The depiction of Indian ethos depicts Indian culture accurately. The bulk of people still reside in villages, where they continue to retain some of Indian customs. Both of these authors of distinct languages attempted to reflect Indian life in their fictional works. The Indian villages have long been regarded as a starting point for comprehending traditional Indian culture. Thus, the purpose of this suggested study is to shed light on India's different cultural and traditional values. When cities subsume the rural way of life in the name of a monolithic city culture, so imposing a uniform city ethos on villages, the relevance of this research increases.


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Munshi, Premchand. Mansarover. 8 vols. Allahabad: Saraswati Press,1970.

Narayan, R. K. Malgudi Days. London: Penguin Books, 1982.

Naik, M. K. A History of Indian English Literature. Delhi: Sahitya Akademi, 1982.

Rao, Ranga. Makers of Indian Literature. R.K. Narayan New Delhi: Sahitya Akademi Publication, 2004.

Rene Wellek and Austin Warren. The Theory of Literature. London: Penguin Books, 1993. Reprint.

Bassnett, Suan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1999 1993.

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How to Cite

Nilesh Nandaniya. (2022). Indian Ethos in the Selected Works of R. K. Narayana and Munshi Premchand: A Comparative Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(1). Retrieved from