Pandemic Narratives in Graphic Literature: A Study of Comics

Pandemic Narratives in Graphic Literature: A Study of Comics


  • Ritwik Balo



Comics in Pandemic Literature, Visual Storytelling in Public Health, Personal Narratives in Graphic Narratives, Artistic Representation of Pandemics


This paper expands the discourse on pandemic studies in literature and the arts by integrating an analysis of comics and graphic narratives. While traditional literary scholarship has marginally addressed the thematic representation of pandemics, this study foregrounds the unique contributions of comics in depicting and understanding these crises. I argue that comics, with their blend of visual and textual storytelling, offer nuanced perspectives on pandemics, often overlooked in mainstream literary canon.

Through an examination of works like Hope On! An Anthology of Comics and comic books such as Nagraj Strikes: The Attack of Coronaman, state-sponsored initiatives like Kids, Vaayu & Corona, and webzines such as The Times of Corona, this paper illustrates how comics capture the multifaceted nature of pandemics. These narratives range from optimistic environmental reflections to critical social commentaries, embodying diverse cultural responses to disease outbreaks.

Furthermore, the paper discusses the representational challenges faced in visualizing pandemics and how comics navigate these through creative personifications and metaphorical depictions of viruses. The unique capacity of comics to engage, educate, and provoke thought makes them a powerful medium in the ongoing dialogue about pandemics. By integrating comics into pandemic studies, this research aims to enrich the academic conversation, providing a more comprehensive understanding of how literature and art reflect and respond to global health crises.


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Khaiwal, Dr. Ravindra, and Dr. Suman Mor. KIDS, VAAYU & CORONA: Who Wins the Fight? A Comic for COVID-19 Awareness. Government of India, 2020, Accessed 24 Dec. 2023.

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Mathew, Nithin, and Sanid Asif Ali, editors. Hope On! An Anthology of Comics. Storytellers, 2020.

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Sadhu, Saptaparni, editor. "The Times of Corona." N.p., n.d. Web Archive, Accessed 24 Dec. 2023.

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How to Cite

Ritwik Balo. (2024). Pandemic Narratives in Graphic Literature: A Study of Comics. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si3).