Representation Of LGBTQIA+ People in Selected Indian Web Series: A Study

Representation Of LGBTQIA+ People in Selected Indian Web Series: A Study


  • Nidhi Jethava



Indian web series, LGBTQIA , OTT, New Media


LGBTQIA+ is an acronym for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, and Asexual. These terms describe the gender identity of those who do not come into the male and female categories. Before 2018 homosexual act between adults was unconstitutional in India under section 377 but on 6th September 2018 Indian supreme court neglected this and their sexual activities or homosexuality became a legal act in India. In the whole world, the media plays a very important and fascinating role to represent any controversy. Now our media like television, OTTs, and cinema also represent the content that discusses the idea of LGBT people. Nowadays the younger generation is moving or shifting towards OTT platforms. On the OTT platform, presenting this kind of content is becoming useful. OTTS is becoming the most trending and easy to represent the difficulties, trauma, depression, raising questions for identities, gender trouble, and the bitterness of life lived by LGBTQIA+. The aim of this article is to drill the concept of representation and acceptance of third-gender people in Indian society through OTT platforms and also it will put light on myths regarding third gender. It has been more than five years since the LGBT+ community and homosexuality are becoming a legal act in India but it has given only legal acceptance. In our society and especially in a small town their acceptance and their sexual acts are still unacceptable and odd. So, media and screens have the power to bring both positive and negative change in the stereotype myths regarding queer people.

This research will focus on ‘Mismatched season 2’, ‘Four More Shots Please’ ‘Made in Heaven’, and ‘His Storyy’. 


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How to Cite

Nidhi Jethava. (2023). Representation Of LGBTQIA+ People in Selected Indian Web Series: A Study. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1), 8–16.