Concept Mapping Strategy in Planning and Teaching

Concept Mapping Strategy in Planning and Teaching


  • Ms. Dipti Khanna


Concept mapping, strategy, pedagogy, science, lesson planning


We advocate the idea of having teachers for the future who are well-equipped in all the areas related to school education over and above the subject they teach or are considered to be master of it. At the teacher education institute apart from training the individual trainee in terms of practical skills and techniques of teaching well in the classroom it is also extremely important that they learn certain things in such a manner that they know how to connect it with previous and present knowledge of an individual and class.

Concept mapping is one of the strategies to teach teacher-trainees to make them understand the pedagogy of teaching science as well as execute and utilize in teaching scenarios in class. The researcher has tried to put forth the usage of it in lesson planning and content management for classroom teaching in the present paper.


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J. D. Novak, Concept maps and Vee diagrams: Two metacognitive tools for science and mathematics education. Instructional Science, Vol. 19, 1990, pp.29-52.

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How to Cite

Ms. Dipti Khanna. (2023). Concept Mapping Strategy in Planning and Teaching. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(2). Retrieved from