Effectiveness of Integrated Education Programme for Disable Children - A survey

Effectiveness of Integrated Education Programme for Disable Children - A survey


  • Haresh M. Patel


Effectiveness, Integrated Education Programme, Disable children, survey


To study the structure of Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. To receive information about nature of Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. To knows the fields of aids given to handicapped students through Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. To attain the information about the reference material used under Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. To inspects effectiveness of Integrated Education Programme for Disable children at teacher level. To inspect the attitude of teachers towards training area, cast, teaching work, teacher qualification. To know the attitude of teachers towards training given under Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. To know the attitude of teachers towards Physical facilities provided Disable children. To know the attitude of teachers towards Reference material given Disable children. To know the attitude of teachers towards Experts. To know the attitude of teachers towards all the sections. To attain instructions to increase the effectiveness of Integrated Education Programme for Disable children. Primary schools of Sabarkantha district is classified into 40 cluster research centre. Researcher has accepted teachers of each primary school as a cluster who were working under Integrated Education Programme.For present study Data analysis was done by using Statistical Techniques on particular tool like attitude scale‘t’ test, ‘F’ test.Overall development of handicapped children has become possible through integrated Education programme. Handicapped students are becoming equal to common students. The attitudes towards teaching works are seen equal between permanent teachers and vidyasahayak teachers in attitudes towards training section. Equal attitudes were seen of male teachers and female teachers towards physic-al facilities. Average difference was not seen in the attitudes of rural area teachers and urban area teachers viewing reference material.


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How to Cite

Haresh M. Patel. (2023). Effectiveness of Integrated Education Programme for Disable Children - A survey. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from http://vidhyayanaejournal.org/journal/article/view/1474