The Theory of Advaitvad as Reflected in the Poetry of Akho - A Medieval Gujarati Poet

The Theory of Advaitvad as Reflected in the Poetry of Akho - A Medieval Gujarati Poet


  • Dr. Purvi N. Upadhyay


Philosophy is a quest after the inner meaning of things; the search for the real; an investigation of the relation between the seen and the unseen. Poetry also has its eye on Truth as seen by the poet's inspired mind. Philosophy and poetry both have their beginning in Wonder. The philosopher and the poet both are seers, but the methods of each are distinct. The philosopher's method is analytical, the poet's synthetical, he sees and grasps the Truth by the help of direct intuition.


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How to Cite

Dr. Purvi N. Upadhyay. (2020). The Theory of Advaitvad as Reflected in the Poetry of Akho - A Medieval Gujarati Poet. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(4). Retrieved from