Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions A Theoritical Framework

Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions A Theoritical Framework


  • Paritaba Jadeja


Mergers and Acquisition, Process, Impact, monetary Performance, net Margin, come on plus, come on Equity, Earning per share


Mergers & Acquisitions (M&As) happen to be the foremost standard means that of business restructuring. Merger happens once 2 or a lot of companies mix into one firm. Mergers are often either through absorption or through consolidation. Acquisition means that Associate in Nursing act of deed effective management over assets and/or management of a corporation by another company with no combination of business or firms.
The independent variables of the study square measure Mergers and acquisition and in the meantime the variable quantity is monetary performance which incorporates come on Assets, come on Equity, Earning per Share, and net Margin. For a firm going in M&A, the varied principles of valuation have to be compelled to be taken into thought. For that the deed companies should decide which sort of valuation is required so as to own monetary and economic gain out of M&A method. the current study showed that the impact of M&A on shareholders, workers or employees, prime management Customers, culture that square measure affected has been briefed.


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How to Cite

Paritaba Jadeja. (2019). Impact of Mergers and Acquisitions A Theoritical Framework. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 4(5). Retrieved from