Studying Shashi Deshpande as a Feminist Writer: In the Light of Her Select Novels

Studying Shashi Deshpande as a Feminist Writer: In the Light of Her Select Novels


  • Rajeshvari Kubavat


Shashi Deshpande's novels are concerned with a woman's quest for self; an exploration into the female psyche and an understanding of the mysteries of life and the protagonist's place in it. Shashi Deshpande uses irony in the majority of her novels to satirize the morals and manners of our society although she is not an ironist. She employs situational, attitudinal and verbal irony to telling effect. Her language is simple, direct and terse; close to the speaking voice. Sometimes, instead of full and long sentences, she uses words elliptically and minimally and this makes for force. Her heroines are sensitive to the changing times and situations, they revolt against the traditions in their search for freedom.


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How to Cite

Rajeshvari Kubavat. (2020). Studying Shashi Deshpande as a Feminist Writer: In the Light of Her Select Novels. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(2). Retrieved from