Ecofeminist Critique of Nectar in a Sieve

Ecofeminist Critique of Nectar in a Sieve


  • Milly R. Jethwani


Environment Concerns, Nature, binaries, Eco feminism, Urban Studies, Social Sciences


The ecofeminist critical discourse is a recent endeavor that utilizes a broad range of literary genres to understand the dynamic link between different literary works and issues related to gender and environmental destruction. In order to better understand how the ecofeminist ideology, which originated in the West, is reflected in Indian author Kamala Markandaya's 1954 novel Nectar in a Sieve this research will examine the concept. By examining the topics, characters, and structural narrative elements of the book, this thesis seeks to determine how successfully Markandaya integrates the experiences of women with the natural world. It will also highlight how dependent humans are on one other and how their problems are similar to the decline of the natural world. The inquiry approaches the current issue from a feminist ecological perspective. This article delves further into these topics to offer a more comprehensive evaluation of the book's critique of patriarchal systems, discussion of environmental issues, and advocacy for the emancipation of women and nature. This study's whole focus is on how important it is to recognize and combat society's marginalization and exploitation of women and the natural world. Consequently, a deeper understanding of eco-feminism and its place in literary studies is attained.


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How to Cite

Milly R. Jethwani. (2023). Ecofeminist Critique of Nectar in a Sieve. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(5). Retrieved from