The Rule of Locus Standi and its Relaxation before Tribunals

The Rule of Locus Standi and its Relaxation before Tribunals


  • Virpari Dipikaben Khengarbhai
  • Dr. Minal A. Raval


Rule of Locus Standi, Tribunals, Relaxation, Right, Court, Justice


For any person the right to appear and to represent is an important right for getting justice. An opportunity of hearing must be available to person. Being a welfare state liability lies on state to provide speedy justice to a person while approach for the same.  The strict rule of locus standi relaxed before the court proceeding, in case of proceeding before the tribunal it is not so relaxed. This paper puts emphasis upon the relaxation of rule before the tribunal and also covers some basic concept regarding the rule of locus standi.


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H.W.R. Wade & C.F. Forsyth,, Administrative law: tenth edition.

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How to Cite

Virpari Dipikaben Khengarbhai, & Dr. Minal A. Raval. (2021). The Rule of Locus Standi and its Relaxation before Tribunals. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 7(1). Retrieved from