Role of Financial Inclusion in Gender Equality: A Study with Reference to Female Street Vendors in Ranchi City

Role of Financial Inclusion in Gender Equality: A Study with Reference to Female Street Vendors in Ranchi City


  • Nitesh Kumar


Financial Inclusion, Gender Equality, Street Vendors, Ranchi


This study examines how gender equality and financial inclusion interact among female street sellers in Ranchi City. The study investigates participant views and experiences in connection to financial services and gender dynamics using a mixed-methods approach, including surveys and data analysis. According to descriptive data, participants are aware of formal financial services, and having access to savings accounts improves their ability to save and manage their finances. The study highlights the many facets of financial inclusion and highlights how it might help women become more economically and socially independent. But problems still exist, making it difficult to use formal financial services effectively due to a lack of financial literacy. The report emphasizes the value of customized approaches while supporting in-depth financial literacy initiatives and safer working conditions. The findings emphasize the need for specific interventions that meet the various needs of female street sellers, adding to the conversation on gender equality and financial inclusion. This study's ultimate goal is to influence legislation and promote a more inclusive and fair future for this group.


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How to Cite

Nitesh Kumar. (2023). Role of Financial Inclusion in Gender Equality: A Study with Reference to Female Street Vendors in Ranchi City. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(1). Retrieved from