Impact of Internet on language and literature

Impact of Internet on language and literature


  • Jagruti B Bheda



Internet is internationally most celebrated electric tool. Covid 19 duration will always remain thankful to Internet. In era of instant communications, it’s hard to imagine life without internet. Similarly, English is the internationally accepted language of communication. One must accept that before internet, English had limited role either as a part of syllabus in academics or in hard bound books for reading pleasure. It was considered as language of elite class (still the misbelief prevails though!).

Internet has played a major role to provide platform for communication and exchange of ideas. Blogs, vlogs, posts on FB or wats app have provided successful platforms to talented minds, no doubt in that. But it has also divided and diverted the writing practice of writers. Earlier what used to be a collection of poems in hard bound books, now it is written in blogs and daily posts. One may say that literature has taken digital platform, but it has also started losing the charm unlike olden days when books were pure pleasure on reading.


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Al-Sharqi, Laila & Irum Saeed Abbasi., 2020. The influence of Technology on English Language and Literature. English Language Teaching; Vol. 13, No. 7; 2020 ISSN 1916-4742 E-ISSN 1916-4750 Published by Canadian Centre of Science and Education. URL:

Kalaivani, K. Ramya. 2018. Impact of Internet on English Language. JETIR December 2018, Volume 5, Issue 12.

Younis, Eman. 2017. The Impact of the Internet on the Language of Literary Discourse.

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How to Cite

Jagruti B Bheda. (2023). Impact of Internet on language and literature. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(6).