Assessing the Viability of Private Universities in Gujarat for Attracting and Increasing the Foreign Students Admissions in the Higher Education Programs: Market Potential Analysis and Factors Impacting Admissions

Assessing the Viability of Private Universities in Gujarat for Attracting and Increasing the Foreign Students Admissions in the Higher Education Programs: Market Potential Analysis and Factors Impacting Admissions


  • Fazeela Banu
  • Dr. Kishor Bhanushali
  • Mrs Agnes Nalini Vincent



Higher Education, Foreign Students, Private Universities, Internships, Overseas employment, Opportunities for Private Universities, Challenges for private universities


The number of international students looking for higher education possibilities has increased due to the expansion of the global higher education market. Private universities in Gujarat, India, have recognized this trend and are looking for ways to attract prospective international students to their higher education programs. This literature review examines the viability of private universities in Gujarat for attracting international students to higher education programs. This article discusses the growth of the Indian higher education sector and the increasing interest of international students in studying in India. The paper emphasizes how crucial it is to carry out a market potential study for higher education programs in private universities, with a focus on potential admissions of international students. The analysis should consider the opportunities and challenges associated with the internationalization of higher education in India, as well as the marketing mix for higher education services. The research had set hypotheses to evaluate the parameters such as Programmes desired by International/Foreign students, influences driving prospect international/foreign students towards their desired field of study, Programme decision making by students, international students desire on Internship program and employment opportunities overseas. Statistical analysis such as reliability and normality test, descriptive statistics, inferential statistics, construct validity determination using Barlett test and Kaiser Meyer Olkin test, correlations analysis were instruments of the research findings. This research had recommended that international students have a desire to pursue higher education in Private Universities, Gujarat. Institutions in Private Universities can therefore help the expansion and development of the Indian higher education system by enrolling and retaining foreign students. 

Originality/value: The article provides information that will be valuable to most of the Private institutions who are contemplating the idea of admitting more international students into their specific programs.


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How to Cite

Fazeela Banu, Dr. Kishor Bhanushali, & Mrs Agnes Nalini Vincent. (2023). Assessing the Viability of Private Universities in Gujarat for Attracting and Increasing the Foreign Students Admissions in the Higher Education Programs: Market Potential Analysis and Factors Impacting Admissions. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si5), 207–234.