Adoption of Cloud Platform in Small and Medium Enterprises

Adoption of Cloud Platform in Small and Medium Enterprises


  • Amit Kholkute
  • Dr. Neha Shroff



Cloud, Infrastructure, Scalability, Security, Cost


With information technology invading into almost all the aspect of life starting from manufacturing, banking, education, social media, digital business etc and the major contributor to enable businesses to run during known and unknown disruptions like pandemics, and natural disasters. During such incidences, it assumes the driver seat for all the businesses right from finance and accounting to the logistics execution which has no face but only means the result driven execution, and thereby enabling the organizations to run the businesses as usual and smoothly during the troubled times.

With the growth in IT enablement resulting into increased dependence on automation, integration, and cater business growth, the enterprises are looking forward to have cost effective, scalable, sustainable, and secured infrastructure, thereby evaluating the option of cloud adoption which provides higher scalability, flexibility, lower Total Cost of Ownership and robust infrastructure.

This paper attempts to review select research publications on cloud adoption and deployment options. This further also includes an independent survey in select Small and Medium Enterprises in Gujarat across various industry sector such as Manufacturing, Processing, Education, FMCG etc. sectors to identify cloud adoption and delivery options along with key parameters to select the best suited cloud deployment options for Small and Medium Enterprises.


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How to Cite

Amit Kholkute, & Dr. Neha Shroff. (2023). Adoption of Cloud Platform in Small and Medium Enterprises. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(si5), 165–173.