The Effect of Salt on The Health of Workers

The Effect of Salt on The Health of Workers


  • Chirag Harishbhai Chauhan


Several international and national studies, as well as field investigations, have suggested that prolonged exposure to salt fields has numerous negative health effects. A cross-sectional study was conducted to assess work-related health problems among salt workers in Rajasthan, which revealed that the prevalence of ophthalmic symptoms was 60.7%, the prevalence of dermatological symptoms was 43.8%, and 52.1% of salt workers experienced headache, giddiness, breathlessness, and muscular and joint pains. The same study also found that traumatic ulcers, dermatitis, muscular and joint pains, headaches, and giddiness were other more common symptoms observed among the salt workers.


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Government of India GOI, Salt Industry in India, India, 2014.

Government of India GOI. Salt Department, Ministry of Commerce and Industry; 2014.

Yadava YS., "Socio-Economic Status of Workers in the Salt Industry in India: A Report." India: Bay of Bengal Programme, Inter-Governmental Organization; 2006.

Bharwada C., Mahajan V., "Yet to be Freed Agariyas' Lives and Struggle for Survival in the Little Rann of Kutch." India: Report for National Consultation on Salt Workers, 2008.

National Institute of Occupational Health Prevention and Control of Occupational Health Hazards Among Salt Workers Working in Remote Desert Areas of Gujarat and Western Rajasthan, India

"Work-related health problems in salt workers in Rajasthan, India," Sachdev R, Mathur LM, Haldiya KR, et al.10(2):62-64, Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine, 2006.

Swaminathan S. rubbed salt into their wounds. The Hindu, 2015.

Saline Area Vitalization Enterprise Ltd. (SAVE) Study of Salt Workers—Agarias Kutch, Patan, Rajkot, and Surendranagar District, Gujarat A report for CARE India's SNEHAL Project, India

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How to Cite

Chirag Harishbhai Chauhan. (2022). The Effect of Salt on The Health of Workers. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(1). Retrieved from