Crucial Factors regulating the Electronic Media and Media Professionals in changing the opinion analysis

Crucial Factors regulating the Electronic Media and Media Professionals in changing the opinion analysis


  • Shiv Malik


Electronic Media,, Watch dog,, Crediability,, Brand Equity


The Media and Media Professionals have a great impact in changing the ideological and Political Perceptions of the citizens of the country in changing their mind sets. It has become the demand of the time for Big Media Houses to sustain their credibility especially when the youngsters follow their perceptions and procedures blindly. To attain the ethics and the credibility will raise the brand value of any media house. In this Paper, the various factors that affect the media credibility are focussed. Secondly, how these factors put an impact on the media Professionals in changing the mindset of the voters in a prominent way. Electronic media which is also termed as the Watchdog for the society acts as an intermediator and communicator so that the transparency should be there while addressing the general public.


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How to Cite

Shiv Malik. (2021). Crucial Factors regulating the Electronic Media and Media Professionals in changing the opinion analysis. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from