Indianness as the thematic explorations in the Poems A River and Elements of Composition by A. K. Ramanujan.

Indianness as the thematic explorations in the Poems A River and Elements of Composition by A. K. Ramanujan.


  • Dr. Manishkumar N . Padia


Hinduism, Indian tradition and culture, ethos, modernity, culture, family


English Indian literature has always unfolded India, its culture and people in major of the works. These
works always had a tone of yearning for one‟s homeland. India can be viewed displayed with all its hues and
shadows, bright or dull. A.K. Ramanujan‟s poetry belongs to this tradition. His prestige is well engrained as
a world‟s foremost folklorist, linguist, translator and a sagacious intellectual. And as a poet, he is not only a
representative figure of the post-independent Indian English poetry, but also a seminal representative
spokesman of the third world Diasporas.
This paper is an effort to vision how A. K. Ramanujan reconsiders his Indian past and presents it through his
mighty words.


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How to Cite

Dr. Manishkumar N . Padia. (2020). Indianness as the thematic explorations in the Poems A River and Elements of Composition by A. K. Ramanujan. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(4). Retrieved from