Relationship of social stratification and competitive anxiety among kabaddi players of Punjab

Relationship of social stratification and competitive anxiety among kabaddi players of Punjab


  • Dr Pravin Kumar


Socioeconomic status, competitive anxiety


The present study was aimed to investigate the relationship of social stratification (socio- economic) and competitive anxiety among male and female players of kabaddi of Punjab. To complete the research work of the researcher has selected fifty male and fifty female subjects from the different institutes of Punjab by using the  purposive sampling technique. Findings pertaining to the study resolved with negative correlation in  male and female kabaddi players between socioeconomic status and competitive anxiety. SPSS was used as a statistical tool to find out the correlation of the social stratification (socioeconomic) and competitive anxiety in male and female players of kabaddi of Punjab. Pearson correlation was used and level of significance level sets of 0.05 levels.


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How to Cite

Dr Pravin Kumar. (2021). Relationship of social stratification and competitive anxiety among kabaddi players of Punjab. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 6(6). Retrieved from