Analyzing the Interplay Between Traditional and Modern Societies: A Comprehensive Exploration

Analyzing the Interplay Between Traditional and Modern Societies: A Comprehensive Exploration


  • Asha L. Bavarava


traditional society, modern society, ethical exploration, society, philosophy


The importance of philosophy for both traditional and contemporary cultures and their evolution is made clear in this study. The primary philosophy in this essay is ethics, which examines and evaluates the ideals of both traditional and contemporary cultures. This essay solely examines the moral implications of both classic and contemporary beliefs. Three philosophical approaches might be used to characterize cultures as traditional or modern: theological, economic, and ethical. However, this dissertation addresses the ethical perspective. Both ancient and modern philosophers significantly influenced the transition from the conventional to the modern period. Religion and morality influenced how societies thought about progress in ethics and development. This article examines the important efforts made to examine both traditional and modern cultures through the lenses of ancient, medieval, modern, and other religious ideologies from China, India, and the Muslim world. The vices of old cultures and the aspects that contribute to the advancement of contemporary society are both highlighted in this study.


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How to Cite

Asha L. Bavarava. (2022). Analyzing the Interplay Between Traditional and Modern Societies: A Comprehensive Exploration. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(3). Retrieved from

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