Mobile Ubiquitous Learning is the Need of the Hour for English Language Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic

Mobile Ubiquitous Learning is the Need of the Hour for English Language Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic


  • Triparna Mukherjee



"All people naturally want to know" is how one of the world's greatest thinkers, Aristotle, begins his well-known book Metaphysics (65). Humans are recognised to possess a wide range of potential skills in the modern day. Among these skills, knowledge, learning, and curiosity surface during a person's growth and take shape under the impact of their surroundings. Our understanding comes from the realm of sensations. In the same book, Aristotle discusses the value of the senses and offers the proverb, "Who loses a sense loses a world” (68). He stresses the value of the senses to learn by noting that they are vital for comprehending the cosmos and what is happening. He stresses the use of the senses to learn by stating that "science is based on the senses, but senses are not science," noting that "the senses are an important aid in understanding the universe and what is happening" but also acknowledging that "the senses can be misleading from time to time” (70).


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How to Cite

Triparna Mukherjee. (2023). Mobile Ubiquitous Learning is the Need of the Hour for English Language Teaching during COVID-19 Pandemic. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1), 57–64.