Archetypal Influence on the Psychology of Gender Roles

Archetypal Influence on the Psychology of Gender Roles


  • Vijeta Brahmbhatt


The paper articulates and endeavours the significance of gender roles to perpetuate the segregation and geniality of gendered duties and responsibilities. The desideration of paradigm is prerequisite requirement of evolving contemporary epoch. Conventional social role related to the sex of individual represents the salient societal expectation and identity. Into the concept of psychology, this equated and associated with Carl Jung’s concept of archetypes. These ideas are universal and symbolic which are deeply embedded in the cumulative consciousness. Nonetheless psychology offers into the way in which narratives and cultural symbols transforms humans into collective identities.

The paradigm of gender specific dutiesis profound and it impacts individuals’ self-perception behaviour and gender norms. By scrutinizing the psychological dimensions, it can help society to develop the understanding of gender and can bring impartiality to modern era where the significance of sex equitability is an exigency. The research paper strives to rationalize non bias attempt for the same.


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How to Cite

Vijeta Brahmbhatt. (2023). Archetypal Influence on the Psychology of Gender Roles. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from