Manufacture Of Vermicompost from Agriculture Waste as An Eco-Friendly Initiative by SPEC

Manufacture Of Vermicompost from Agriculture Waste as An Eco-Friendly Initiative by SPEC


  • Hetal Pankajkumar Shah


Vermicompost, Organic farming, Agricultural Waste, Earthworm Species, Eisenia fetida, Sustainable Agriculture, Waste Management, Manufacture


Organic farming is conceived as one of the alternatives to conventional agriculture in order to sustain production without seriously harming the environment and ecology which are more scientific than those of the conventional. Vermicomposting is an eco-friendly method, transforming agricultural waste into nutrient-rich vermicompost through the activity of earthworms. This process of Vermicomposting manages agricultural waste and its potential to alleviate environmental burdens. The detrimental impact of unchecked waste disposal on the environment necessitates innovative, eco-friendly practices for waste management. This paper focusing on optimizing the process’s efficiency, the impact of different agricultural waste compositions and the potential of Vermicomposting, incorporating its role in repaying nature's debt by restoring by soil health, soil minerals, water holding capacity, soil micro-organisms and nutritional values of yielding crop as well as decreases plant pest populations. Vermicomposting is a self-promoted, self-regulated, self-improved and self-enhanced, low or no-energy requiring zero-waste technology, easy to construct, operate and maintain. It excels all other biological or mechanical technologies for production of ‘bio-fertilizer’. To enhance Soil health and biodiversity vermicompost usage is very crucial. The research also explores the utilization of specific earthworm species, the effects of different waste materials, and innovative methodologies to improve the overall quality and yield of Vermicompost.


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How to Cite

Hetal Pankajkumar Shah. (2023). Manufacture Of Vermicompost from Agriculture Waste as An Eco-Friendly Initiative by SPEC. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from