Role of Financial Management in MSME Industry in Gujarat

Role of Financial Management in MSME Industry in Gujarat


  • Shreeya Surpalbhai Bhagat


MSME, Gujarat, financial management, economic development., employment generation, industrial growth, financial challenges, sustainable growth, government initiatives, financial institutions, textiles


The Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector plays a pivotal role in the economic landscape of Gujarat, contributing significantly to employment generation, industrial growth, and exports. This research paper delves into the critical role of financial management in the MSME industry in Gujarat. It explores the financial challenges faced by MSMEs, the importance of effective financial management, and the role of government initiatives and financial institutions in supporting the sector's growth. The MSME sector in Gujarat is a major driver of economic development, with a substantial presence in various industries such as textiles, pharmaceuticals, automobiles, gem and jewellery, chemicals, and more. However, these enterprises often encounter financial challenges that hinder their growth potential. Effective financial management is vital to address these challenges and enhance the sustainability of MSMEs. This research investigates the pivotal role of financial management in Gujarat's Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. With a focus on addressing challenges such as limited access to capital, working capital management, and regulatory compliance, the study delves into the critical financial aspects that underpin the sustainability and growth of MSMEs in the state.


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How to Cite

Shreeya Surpalbhai Bhagat. (2023). Role of Financial Management in MSME Industry in Gujarat. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 9(si1). Retrieved from