Integration of ICT Platforms for the Students and Teachers to CreatE an Open and Independent Educational Environment

Integration of ICT Platforms for the Students and Teachers to CreatE an Open and Independent Educational Environment


  • Dr. Manishkumar N . Padia


Technology is growing day by day at lightning speed. We are experiencing things which we never imagined before. Technology is changing very fast so the world and so also the ways and means of education. Pedagogical concepts keep changing. In modern times Teacher's role is significant in creating an open and independent environment through the integration of ICT platforms. With modern technology, the teacher can make the teaching-learning process time saving and energy saving. Technology is now an integrated part of education. It should not be looked at separately. Without technology, the teaching and learning process is insufficient. Technology is not the aim of education but through technology the goals of education can be achieved. Technology makes education open without time and space boundaries. The new generation is now in a totally different environment. They want everything very fast and in digital form. Mark Prensky aptly termed new generation as digital natives.


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"Digital Natives, Digital Immigrants - Marc Prensky.",-%20Digital%20Immigrants%20-%20Part1.pdf. Accessed 14 Jan. 2020.


"Digital natives and digital immigrants — how are they different." 15 Nov. 2017, Accessed 16 Jan. 2020.

"Integrating ICT in Teaching and Learning - UK Essays." 13 Dec. 2017, Accessed 12 Jan. 2020.

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How to Cite

Dr. Manishkumar N . Padia. (2020). Integration of ICT Platforms for the Students and Teachers to CreatE an Open and Independent Educational Environment. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 5(5). Retrieved from