Use of Animation Films as a tool in Second Language Classroom to Enhance English Language Productive skills

Use of Animation Films as a tool in Second Language Classroom to Enhance English Language Productive skills


  • Dr. Dhirendrasinh Rana


The objectives of this research are to find out whether using animation film is effective in English language classroom or not and to know how far is the effectiveness of using animation film to enhance productive skills. Related to the object of the research, the researcher used experimental method. The research was conducted at Saraswati Vidyalaya School, Jambusar, Gujarat. .The population in this research is the upper primary students of Saraswati Vidyalaya School. The total number of population was 30 students. The sample were VIII- i class as the experiment group which consist of 30 students, and VIII- d class as the control group which consist of 30 students. The writer used t-test in order to check whether the use of animation film is effective to enhance productive skills. The result of her research showed that using animation film medium is effective to improve students’ productive skills. It can be proved by the pre test to post test mean of the students‟ writing skill of the class which are not taught with animation film (50.36 to 57.95). The students‟ writing skill of the class which are taught by animation film shows significant improvement (50. 45 to 67.95). From the t-test result, it can be seen that the class which is taught by animation film medium get higher score (11.2) than the class which is not taught by animation film medium (5.88). It indicates that by using animation film medium, the students can improve their productive skill effectively.


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How to Cite

Dr. Dhirendrasinh Rana. (2023). Use of Animation Films as a tool in Second Language Classroom to Enhance English Language Productive skills. Vidhyayana - An International Multidisciplinary Peer-Reviewed E-Journal - ISSN 2454-8596, 8(6). Retrieved from